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Ainua Portal is a flexible no-code portal service which enables companies and organizations to easily setup a portal for their customers or affeliates.

Ainua Portal

Ainua Portal has been designed so that it can integrate on the same time to multiple data sources.

Data sources like CRM’s, ticketing systems, subscription management solutions, etc. are conveniently introduced as pages in Ainua Portal. Data can be integrated using almost any of the workflow management tools, customer data platforms or similar integration solutions.

Custom integrations using the Ainua Portal REST API’s can be used as well if need be.


The user-experience in Ainua Portal is built around pages. Each page is a representation of a collection of data related to specific information. Pages content can be for example messages, subscriptions, transactions, etc. Typically each page content originates from a single back-office source but it does not have to be like that. It is possible to combine data from multiple back-office solutions into one page, and vice-versa there can be multiple pages content originating from same back-office solution.

Ainua Portal

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